If you wish to opt out download and complete the opt out form and return to the Practice (see below).
Information Website
Information Leaflets & Opt Out Form
Information on national opt out data
The national data opt-out (offered to the public as ‘Your Data Matters to the NHS’) The national data opt-out allows a patient to choose that they do not want their confidential patient information to be used for purposes beyond their individual care and treatment. Patients who do not wish to opt out do not need to do anything. The national data opt-out is a simple option that a patient who wishes to opt out needs to set only once, and which will then be applied across the health and care system.
A patient can change their national data opt-out choice at any time, using either of the services below.
How to set a national data opt-out choice using the online service Before using the online service, patients who wish to set a national data opt-out will need to have the following information to hand, so that their identity can be confirmed:
• NHS number – patients can find their NHS number on a letter from their GP practice or other NHS service, on a prescription, or via online access to GP practice services (such as for booking appointments or requesting repeat prescriptions)
• Mobile phone number or email address provided previously at a GP practice or other NHS service.
If a patient has difficulty providing this information, they can still use the telephone service, when other means of confirming identity can be discussed. Using any device which can connect to the internet such as a computer, tablet, or mobile phone, patients can go to: www.nhs.uk/your-nhs-data-matters and follow the guidance on the page. The online service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
How to set a national data opt-out choice using the telephone service
If a patient is unable to use the online service, or would prefer not to, they can telephone 0300 303 5678 to register a national data opt-out. According to Ofcom, the UK’s communications regulator, calls to 0300 numbers should cost no more than calls to a normal personal or business geographic landline number (numbers starting with 01 or 02), whether calling from a landline, or mobile phone. The telephone service is available 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday, excluding English bank/ public holidays.
Confirmation Once the process has been completed, the patient will receive a confirmation that their national data optout choice has been set, using email, SMS text, or letter as per their chosen communication method.
Who can choose to opt-out?
Anyone registered for care or treatment with the NHS in England with an NHS number can have a national data opt-out set and of those anyone aged 13 and over can set their own national data opt-out if they wish to.
People with parental responsibility for children under the age of 13 such as parents or legally recognised guardians can act as a proxy and set or change a national data opt-out on the child’s behalf. People who have a formal legal relationship with a patient such as someone who has a legal power of attorney or a court appointed deputy can act as a proxy and set or change a national data opt-out on the patient’s behalf.
To set or change a national data opt-out as a proxy, the person acting as the proxy will need to use the telephone service on 0300 303 5678. How national data opt-out information is used NHS Digital provides the national data opt-out service on behalf of the health and care system and publishes more information at: set-national-opt-out.service.nhs.uk/privacynotice about how it processes the opt-out data to provide this service